
My Wishful Thinking

Last Sunday was the game of UST vs. UE. It was already elimination games for UAAP. They have to win this game! I know there would be really low chances for us to be included as top teams for the semis but they could at least have some added streak on their "win" side of the team standing. It was good start until the UE took over the lead and it went as far as 20 ata. I had to switch channels cause I can't bear to watch the game. Then on the second half I checked it again and UST was coming back and chasing off the lead until they had it tied. By this time I have to go and attend mass. I was really confident that we would win. Of course, I didn't know the game's outcome I would just read the results on newspaper tomorrow morning. So comes tomorrow and a high expectation. I was shocked to see the final scores. Urgh! We lost, and a big, big (ok so not that big) lead by the other team. So much for my wishful thinking and that spurt of hope I had. Wait 'til the cheer dance competition, we will stand high with pride! :)

I had a hunch that what I'm thinking will happen. And yes, it really happened. All bad or pessimistic things inside my head seems to manipulate the events and made it true to life, as vivid as it could get. Actually, it made me wait... seconds, minutes. Only to see what I want or really not want, but what I'm picturing in my mind.But now it's all over, I'm done.


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